She was eating breakfast when we got there. Eating breakfast and enjoying some beautiful artwork courtesy of Kiera (one of Helen's daughters). We didn't spend too much time before we headed out.

Jenna celebrating our visit
Grandma wanted to see some of Helen's horses up close before we left. Outside, Timmy went and put a bridle on one of the horses and led it up to Grandma. She pet it and was quite pleased. In fact, she decided she wanted to try sitting on the horse, so we figured, why not?
The horse approaching
Getting to know one another
Family portrait
Already ready to get down
It wasn't the easiest activity figuring out how to get get on, and once we did, she didn't want to stay up for very long. So, she got down, and after that last little bit of excitement in Mullingar, it was time to head to Dublin.

The only think we really wanted to see before closing time was Trinity College. There's the Dublin Castle, but we'd seen lots of castles. And there was the Guinness factory, but it turned out that you couldn't actually see any of the factory where they make the beer on the tour. It definitely seemed like a 14-euro tourist trap (with a "free" four-euro pint at the end). So, we were left with Trinity College.

The College is an actual university in Ireland, and it's very, very, very old. But it's claim to fame is that it is home to the Book of Kells. In fact, as we learned on our tour, more people come to see the book of Kells each year than the University has students. The Book of Kells for those of you who are like me (and didn't know what it was), is a REALLY old Bible. It's not the oldest known copy, but it IS a very complete version. It's the four gospels (the first four books of the New Testament that tell the story of Jesus' time on earth), and it is pretty much complete. They had other really old Bibles on display, but it was quite apparent why the Book of Kells is so impressive. The other books were fragments of individual pages, put together as best they could. The Book of Kells is actual full pages, and it seems to be all of them. A very complete copy, relatively speaking. It's from about the year 800, if I remember correctly. Others that we saw were from the 600s, but couldn't compare in terms of completeness.
The Book of Kells (as well as the other books on display) are phenomenal. They are all hand written, obviously. And the process they used to make ink was incredible. They used different colors, and they had to gather elements that were literally across continents to put them together. The blue was apparently the hardest to come by. I can't remember specifics of the story, but it was impressive. Take my word for it. Or don't, and go see it for yourself. But take Grandma with you. Even more spectacular than the story behind the ink (or maybe equally spectacular) is the illustrations included. They are elaborate, intricately detailed pictures that span the entire page sometimes with very complicated depictions of multiple people and crosses and letters and symbols all intertwined. If I were going to draw one of those, A) I would have to copy it because I could never come up with something so pretty in my head, B) I would have to have a magnifying glass because the pictures are so complex, and C) I would need about 2 weeks because that's how crazy complicated the drawings are. Even the first letters of sentences or pages are decorated in a very elaborate manner. It was certainly quite impressive.

After the University tour and seeing the Book of Kells, we headed out of the city. That was treacherous. Buses, taxis, and motorcycles do not obey any traffic laws in Dublin, just so you know. There were cars everywhere! There were virtually no two-way streets, and no straight streets either. It was a pain getting out. Lanes started and ended without warning. Pigs were flying overhead, swarming our car! Well, ok, not the last one, but it was very stressful. We went toward the airport because that's where our hotel was for the night. (We had an early flight to catch, after all.) That was an adventure, too.
So, we had some rooms booked at the Holiday Inn near the airport. Our little GPS thing can lead you to different hotels, so we programed it to lead us to the Holiday Inn - Airport. When we got to where it told us to go, there was definitely not Holiday Inn in sight. There was a Carlton Hotel, though, so we went inside and asked where the Holiday Inn was. They explained it to us, but what they didn't take into account was the construction nearby. We got a little turned around, but eventually found our way in the right direction. We saw a billboard, though, that told us we missed the Holiday Inn Express (and of course we should turn around to go stay there).
We obeyed and turned around, but then we realized that the sign was really pointing in the opposite direction. So we turned around to our original direction and kept driving. The sign had said we were only a kilometer away, but the car's odometer was in miles, so we had no idea when a kilometer had passed (we didn't know how many miles one kilometer was...). We drove for about a mile before giving up and turning around. We made it all the way back to the sign. This time it was right when it told us we had to turn around.
Finally we decided to just turn in what we estimated was a kilometer. We ended up finding the Holiday Inn Express (very prominently labeled as "Crowne Plaza by Holiday Inn" with Holiday Inn Express in tiny letters underneath), but as we had made our reservation at the Holiday Inn, we were still slightly apprehensive that our reservation wasn't there. We asked them, and they told us that we were in the right place, indeed, and our reservations had been "upgraded to the Crowne Plaza."
We got checked in and then took the car back to the rental place, which was another adventure, the details of which I'll spare you. Had dinner at the hotel restaurant, which was surprisingly good. Grandma got the soup and sandwich, but it was a HUGE bowl of soup accompanied by a large sandwich. "I'm going to be here all night," she lamented as she eyed all her food. Don't worry, though. She got help.

Hmmm... what to order?
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